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Writer's pictureLauna Brooks

Welcome to the new look Community Action Malvern and District

Updated: Sep 26

PC monitor showing our new website
Community Action Web Launch

We are enormously proud of having over 50 years of experience in supporting our local community, but we realised that it was time for a freshen-up, to start preparing for the next 50 years!

We are offering the same amazing services including community transport, a local Men’s Shed and Malvern Hills Volunteering but with a new modern look, including a great new logo depicting the wonderful hills we live and work on.

As we are a charity, we cannot stretch to changing all our signage overnight, so you’ll still see the familiar red logos on our vehicles for a while longer, but this is where we hope you may help us.

With two minibuses and three wheelchair-adapted cars to livery with our new logos, we really need the community’s help to fund our updates. Maybe you could sponsor one of the vehicles to have a makeover? We’d love to acknowledge your support by adding our thanks to the side of the vehicle if you’d like, so you’ll see your name driving around the Malverns every day.

We also need support for re-branding our shop front in Malvern Link, so how about sponsoring this? Everyone walking or driving past will know you’ve supported your local community-based charity to promote what they do, to ensure everyone who needs us has heard of us and knows how to get hold of us?

We’re always excited to hear people’s ideas for corporate sponsorship or fundraising so please do pop in and have a chat or drop me an email on Or you can ring for a natter on 01684 892 381.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Launa Brooks

Chief Officer CAMD

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