Content warning: This blog discusses suicidal issues.

It’s Movember!
Do you know the difference between a handlebar or a horseshoe, can you spot a walrus or pencil in the high street, if not, it’s time to put away your razor and take part in growing a mo. Not everyone in our office gets to grow a mo, so for the month of Movember our focus is on supporting men’s health and well-being. In a nutshell, we’re here to talk about men!
We know and understand all too well, that men need to feel supported, valued and have a sense of purpose. Here at Community Action, we understand that there is a need to bring focus to increasing the wellbeing of men.
Wouldn’t it be great to see more men getting involved in the work we do. A chance to feel less lonely and less isolated in the community.
Our Malvern Men’s Shed is a great space for providing a shared experience, the opportunity to meet with others and catch up over a project and a cuppa. We’ve got lots of feel good stories to share about the improvement to the health and wellbeing of men, when they connect at Malvern Men’s Shed and share with others.
We know it makes a difference and we’re encouraging the local community to reach out to neighbours and see what difference you can make by sharing too.
A large proportion of our driving volunteers are also men. Giving back to the community and finding a sense of purpose through volunteering are just some of the benefits.
Here’s why it's important to talk about men's wellbeing:
Three quarters of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease are amongst men.
Men have a 37% higher risk of dying from cancer and a 67% higher chance of dying from cancers that affect both men and women.
64% of men will wait more than a week to see a GP
48% of men will avoid health check-ups
We also know that as well as a reluctance to consider physical issues, men don’t fare much better looking after their own mental health.
Four out of five suicides are by men
Men are nearly three time as likely as women to become dependent on alcohol and three times as likely to report frequent drug use
Men aged between 40 and 49 have the highest suicide rates in the UK
Men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women, only 36% of referrals to NHS talking therapies are for men
Here at Community Action, we recognise that loneliness and lack of purpose can be a contributory factor in the overall well-being of everyone. Social isolation and being unable to access public transport are at the top of our priorities for supporting people in Malvern District.
Come and be part of what we do, pop into our office and find out more.
If you are affected by any of the issues raised in this blog here are some helpful resources:
There's a video, of a shared story on our Men's shed page, highlighting how a social connection has helped one of our participants.